

Technical Bureau for Mining - Hruschka

The "Technisches Büro für Bergwesen Hruschka" (Technical Bureau for Mining) is an Austrian "boutique consulting" company, founded in 1992 by Felix Hruschka, as sole proprietor firm. Today, tbb.hru operates mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia, providing consulting services to clients from multilateral, bilateral, governmental, private and civil society sectors.

The passion of tbb.hru’s founder Felix Hruschka is about sustainable development of the Extractive Industries sector. As a mining engineer and mineral economist, he is deeply convinced that mining can and must be done in a responsible manner. Mining has to be economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound for producers, consumers and communities.

Leachingtank Photo: Small-scale gold processing plant in Peru

The range of services of the consulting firm tbb.hru comprises the planning, advisory, implementation and evaluation of projects in the Extractive Industries sector. The portfolio of services ranges from technical and economic advice to micro, small and medium enterprises, mining and mineral processing technology, development of innovative approaches to environmental and social issues, legal and regulatory frameworks for the development of the minerals sector, responsible and transparent mineral supply chains, to aspects of resource- and development policy in general.

ASM Diamond Miners Photo: Meeting with artisanal miners in Tanzania

Tbb.hru draws on particular expertise in the area of artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) in developing countries. Over the past decades, more than 80% of all assignments were related to the ASM sector, allowing to accumulate vast experience in design, implementation and evaluation of ASM support programmes focusing on different of the many challenges of this frequently marginalized economic sector.

MineSiteRehab Photo: Meeting with Mongolian mining company on mine site rehabilitation

Intentionally, tbb.hru remains a small but highly specialized consulting company, where services are usually rendered personally by - or under direct supervision of - tbb.hru's director Felix Hruschka, whose in-depth specialist knowledge, experience and skills have built up over many years of practice. Team spirit and association with likeminded consultants or companies on a case by case basis as well as openness to cooperation with national and international counterparts, allow to participate and contribute to the success of the smallest and even the largest project. Innovative, jointly elaborated and implemented concepts, transparency, efficiency and tangible results characterize the relations between tbb.hru and its partners and clients.

Core values of tbb.hru are ethical conduct and performance at highest professional level possible. As part of the commitment with the generally disadvantaged ASM sector, and as far as financial results allow for, tbb.hru provides on a regular basis pro-bono services to initiatives supporting responsible ASM. In 2012, in recognition of practiced values, tbb.hru was winner of the Styrian TRIGOS award for social responsibility. The TRIGOS is Austria’s most prestigious CSR award, under auspices of Austria’s UN Global Compact focus point respACT. In 2013, in recognition of the professional and innovative quality of services, tbb.hru was awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Economic Affairs with the Austrian State Prize for Consulting.

Austrian State Prize for Consulting 2013 [...]

TRIGOS Styria 2012[...]

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Region Styria, Section Consulting Companies